Vigneto nell'Oltrepò pavese

Oltrepò's vineyard

Gli agronomi che operano all?interno del progetto Agriprecisone hanno una lunga esperienza acquisita confrontandosi direttamente col settore della ricerca e quello del mondo del lavoro e sono estremamente qualificati ad offrire i servizi che seguono:

  • relief boundaries of vineyards and varieties;
  • scelta del numero di classi in base agli obiettivi enologici dell?azienda;
  • interpretation of the maps and guide to their use;
  • identification of the sampling key points;
  • monitoring and verification of analytical data related to key points, production of maturation curves;
  • microvinification service for the oenological evaluation of the goals achieved.
  • mechanization management: choice of harvest, which can be carried out by machine (also by a partner of as manually;
  • mechanization management: choice of harvest, which can be carried out by machine (also by a partner of as manually; wants to be the center of a complete service, in order to make the precision viticulture not a leap into the void but a reliable and reliable working system to increase their knowledge and the performance of their wines.

    We are therefore at your disposal to submit a free quote and without commitment specifically designed for your business situation. For the request please access the contact form
